
Topics of general interest.

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Title Category Scripture Speaker Date
Do not fear, be bold, guard the faith General 2 Timothy 1:1-7 Rev Campbell Mulvenny 22 May 2022
Jesus Changes Lives General Mark 5:1-20 Andrew Mullan 22 May 2022
A fake gospel General Galatians 1:1-12 Richard Murray 15 May 2022
From honeymoon to divorce courts General Jeremiah 2:1-12 Richard Murray 15 May 2022
Psalm 7 General Psalm 7 Rev. Alastair Torrens 08 May 2022
God's word in crisis times General Jeremiah 1:1-19 Richard Murray 08 May 2022
In it, but not of it General Galatians 1 Richard Murray 01 May 2022
His banner over me is love General Song of Solomon 2 Richard Murray 01 May 2022
The fountain of life General Psalm 36 Richard Murray 27 April 2022
Too busy to attens? General Isaiah 55:1-13
Luke 14:12-24
Richard Murray 24 April 2022
The Greatest Love of All General John 3:14-18 Mr Tom Marshall 24 April 2022
following Jesus under a cross General Mark 15:21-41 Richard Murray 17 April 2022
The man with no funeral General Mark 16:9-20
John 20:10-18
Richard Murray 17 April 2022
Answering an atheist General Psalm 14 Richard Murray 10 April 2022
Buried Treasure General Matthew 13:44-58 Richard Murray 10 April 2022
Belonging to the flock of God General John 10:1-16 Richard Murray 03 April 2022
The Pharisee and the tax collector General Luke 18:1-14 Rev Dr Ivan McKay 03 April 2022
Behold, I come quickly General Revelation 22 Richard Murray 27 March 2022
Where did it all go wrong? General Genesis 3 Richard Murray 27 March 2022
Marriage, Divorce and Singleness General Matthew 19:1-12 Richard Murray 20 March 2022
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